Setup Java on windows
We can verify either java is installed or not on system using java -version command. It will show below message if java is installed.
If Java do not install on system. Follow below steps to set up java in local:
- Download java exe file from Oracle URL and install the same.
- Go to control panel -> Advanced system settings or directly search for environment variables.

3. Click on Environment Variables.

4. Inside System variables select path properties and click on Edit.

5. Click on the New button and add the java bin path C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_241\bin. Click on OK.

6. Open new command prompt and run java -version command to verify the java got installed or not.

Imran Khan, Adobe Community Advisor, AEM certified developer and Java Geek, is an experienced AEM developer with over 11 years of expertise in designing and implementing robust web applications. He leverages Adobe Experience Manager, Analytics, and Target to create dynamic digital experiences. Imran possesses extensive expertise in J2EE, Sightly, Struts 2.0, Spring, Hibernate, JPA, React, HTML, jQuery, and JavaScript.